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Educational Review of the Statistical Issues in Utility Data for CEA


The aim of cost-utility analysis is to support decision making in healthcare by providing a standardized mechanism for comparing resource use and health outcomes across programmes of work. The focus of this review is the denominator of the cost-utility analysis, specifically the methodology and statistical challenges associated with calculating QALYs from patient-level data collected as part of a trial. The authors provide a brief description of the most common questionnaire used to calculate patient level utility scores, the EQ-5D, followed by a discussion of other ways to calculate patient level utility scores alongside a trial including other generic measures of health-related quality of life and condition- and population-specific questionnaires. Detail is provided on how to calculate the mean QALYs per patient, including discounting, adjusting for baseline differences in utility scores and a discussion of the implications of different methods for handling missing data. The methods are demonstrated using data from a trial.



Hunter RM, Baio G, Butt T et al. An Educational Review of the Statistical Issues in Analysing Utility Data for Cost-Utility Analysis. PharmacoEconomics 2015; 33 (4): 355-366.

Not open access.