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Resource Pack: Maternal Health Models and CEA


This resource pack, curated by the Center for Health Decision Science, provides selected examples of modeling approaches used to conduct analyses relevant to maternal and reproductive health. Some papers focus on a particular problem (e.g., screening for prenatal syphilis, comparison of alternative strategies for safe abortion), while others explore strategies for reducing morbidity and mortality from the entire spectrum of pregnancy and childbirth-related complications.

Several of the examples model the primary drivers of maternal mortality (e.g., fertility control through access to family planning and safe abortion, and high-quality obstetrical care) and in addition to integrating data on the availability, efficacy, and effectiveness of interventions, explicitly incorporate the delivery site, access to transportation, level of facility and quality of care.

The majority of articles in this pack are applied modeling techniques, ranging from decision trees to cohort simulation to individual-level microsimulation, and several use empirical calibration techniques. While two are global in nature, most are analyses that focus on a specific country (e.g., Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia, India, Afghanistan, Mexico) or region (e.g., sub-Saharan Africa). Approximately half of the analyses include both health and economic outcomes. The pack is intended to provide several examples but is not comprehensive in nature. Additional analyses will be added over time.



Resource Pack: Maternal Health Models and CEA. Center for Health Decision Science, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 2023.