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Considerations for Diagnostic COVID-19 Tests


During the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a rush by numerous diagnostic test manufacturers to create, validate, and implement testing methods. This review discusses the pivotal role of diagnostic tests during the pandemic's first global wave, highlighting the challenges in technology and implementation experienced early on. The study also offers insights for enhancing the use of diagnostics, especially syndromic ones, should there be future spikes or regional outbreaks of COVID-19. 

The overarching message emphasizes the global need for improved diagnostic test readiness, ensuring faster patient detection, potentially at the point of care, and facilitating better prevention and treatment strategies across both developed and developing nations.



Vandenberg O, Martiny D, Rochas O et al. Considerations for Diagnostic COVID-19 Tests. Nature Reviews Microbiology 2021; 19: 171-183.