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Handbook of Vaccine Health Economics


The open-access book, "Handbook of Applied Health Economics in Vaccines," looks at the complexities of vaccine discovery, financing, and distribution. It highlights the inadequacy of standard economic models for vaccines. The book explores alternative principles challenging market-based approaches and equips readers with tools for assessing costs and benefits through practical exercises. It serves as a comprehensive resource for decision-making in vaccine development and distribution and emphasizes the importance of considering broader perspectives beyond economic efficiency.

There are five main sections which are shown below, as well as appendices that include case examples and exercises. Each section contains several chapters which can be downloaded as individual PDFs. 

  1. Principles of vaccine economics
  2. Estimating the cost of immunization services
  3. Economic evaluation of vaccines and vaccine programs
  4. Advanced methods in economic evaluation
  5. Financing and resource tracking of vaccination programs


Bishai D, Brenzel L, Padula W, eds. Handbook of Applied Health Economics in Vaccines. Oxford University Press 2023.