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Society for Judgment and Decision-Making


The Society for Judgment and Decision Making is an interdisciplinary academic organization dedicated to the study of normative, descriptive, and prescriptive theories of judgments and decisions. Its members include psychologists, economists, organizational researchers, decision analysts, and other decision researchers. Online resources include links to publications, teaching resources, course syllabi, blogs and PhD Programs all related to Judgment and Decision Making. The Society's primary event is its Annual Meeting at which Society members present their research.

It also publishes the journal Judgment and Decision Making, and open access online journal published at least every 2 months. The journal is composed of short articles, meta-analyses, empirical contributions, and theoretical articles on topics such as experimental studies of judgments of hypothetical scenarios, experimental economic approaches to behavior, use of physiological methods to understand judgments and decisions, normative models such as utility theory, ad applications of relevant theory to medicine, law, consumer behavior, business, public choice, and public economics.



Society for Judgment and Decision-Making.