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Distribution of Health Effects and Cost-Effectiveness of Varicella Vaccination


This article reports on an analysis of the impact of universal childhood varicella vaccination on the incidence of herpes zoster (HZ) using dynamic transmission modelling and cost-effectiveness analyses. Scenarios that are considered differ by whether or not immune boosting is included, and whether or not reactivation of vaccine virus is possible.

The authors report that health effects of varicella vaccination in scenarios with immune boosting are unevenly distributed: cohorts born just before introduction of vaccination and persons who refuse vaccination face an increased lifetime risk of herpes zoster while vaccinated cohorts see health gains. Cost-effectiveness of varicella vaccination depends strongly on the impact on herpes zoster and the economic time horizon. 

The authors conclude that varicella vaccination may result in trans-generational differences in distribution of health benefits and losses; unvaccinated groups may be exposed to a substantially increased health hazard. 



van Lier A, Liera A, Opstelten W et al. Distribution of Health Effects and Cost-Effectiveness of Varicella Vaccination are Shaped by the Impact on Herpes Zoster. EBioMedicine 2015: 2 (10): 1494-1499.